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Weekly Blog #32:4/30-5/7

Over the course of the past week, from April 30 to May 7, I finished the process of my final product. My final product was a research paper covering how collaboration benefited the medical environment, specifically pediatrics. My paper had a length of 20 pages including references, and I've been working on this project since March 1. Over the course of the week I've had time to reflect on my journey through Independent Study and Mentorship over the course of this past semester, and I have realized that my journey to Isaiah has allowed me to understand the process of research writing and how many aspects go into treating a patient in the pediatric field. I feel like my paper definitely reflects how collaboration plays a large role in reducing stress for patients and professionals, producing accurate diagnoses, and enabling better patient understanding of an illness or a treatment. While reflecting on my essay, The contents of my survey and my secondary research has laid out a strong foundation for me to conduct further research is needed and allows me to understand what a day in the life of a pediatrician would be like. Overall, I feel like I've grown drastically from where I was at the beginning of the year and I greatly appreciate everything my mentors and my teachers have done for me to aid me in the ISM final product process.

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