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Weekly Blog #19: 1/28-2/4

Over the course of the past week, from January 28th to February 4th, I have kept up with my schedule that I laid out in my Product Proposal. I have read multiple articles about the Chief Learning Officers in the CLO publication magazine in order to familiarize myself with some of the most successful programs in the business industry. One of my favorites in particular was one about Michelle Braden, who works as Vice President for Telus International. Her story of venturing from IT to a global learning and development management position demonstrates how important learning and development actually is. Her inclusion of individual needs for employees and providing a multi-level learning program to mold to each employee shows that Learning and Development truly contributes to a company’s status in the national and international marketplace. By the end of the week, I had a strong idea of what some of the strongest learning programs in the industry currently are. Moving into this upcoming week, I am meeting with my mentor to go over my product proposal on Wednesday, February 6th, and I plan on asking a few questions in regards to some of my articles and begin working on my final product outline according to my current Product Proposal.

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