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Weekly Blog #18: 1/21-1/28

Over the course of the past week, from January 21st to January 28th, the main completion of work has revolved around the completion of my Final Product Proposal. After completing the Research Showcase on January 16th, all of my focus needed to be on my final product, especially in the upcoming week in order to give my mentor adequate time to review and provide feedback to me on my proposal. While I had started working on a bullet pointed draft of my Final Product Proposal and had roughed it out, I had not finished the editing stage before the past week. By giving myself the entirety of the week to complete my Final Product Proposal before emailing it to my mentor, I was best able to look for typos and clarify my language in order to make the proposal as professional as possible before shipping it off. In the upcoming week, from January 28th to February 1st, I will be focusing on completing my first portion of my final product to get my project started, looking into business publications in order to complete my article summaries for my mentor and to give myself ample time to conduct secondary research aside from research assessments.

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