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Weekly Blog #12: 11/19-12/3

Over the course of the past two weeks, my progress on my original work has moved forward at a rapid pace. Due to the fact that the school had Thanksgiving Break, this weekly blog covers the work I have completed from both the week of Thanksgiving and last week. Over Thanksgiving break, I worked on my analysis for the pamphlet portion of my original work. While I did not work on the visual portion, by completing the analysis ahead of time, I will now be able to edit the information I put on my brochure and make the information on the pamphlet as clear and polished as possible. Moving into last week, I completed last minute edits on my Original Work paper before printing and binding the final draft. I also completed my plan for my display board for Research Showcase that is coming up in January. I also began working on the visual format of my Original Work pamphlet. As I push forward in my original work, it appears that I will finish my Original Work before the deadline set on the student learning hub and ahead of the date I set for myself through my four-quarter completion plan.

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